Successful Cases & Very Wide Range of Work

“At AICLA, we enjoy the intellectual intensity of handling immigration cases that compel thinking outside the box, researching legally un-chartered waters and going against the tide to break new legal ground.”

Below are some cases and extracts from AICLA’s Australian files. It demonstrates ‘the length, breadth and width’ of AICLA’s professional experience and expertise since its beginnings in 1995 and its rich representation of numerous clients from numerous countries in all continents, including:

  • EUROPE: UK/Ireland/Scotland, Austria, Germany, France, Sweden, Netherlands, Italy, Spain,
    Portugal, Russia, Ukraine, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia
  • MIDDLE EAST: Jordan, Palestine, Egypt, Turkey
  • SOUTH & CENTRAL AMERICA: Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Nicaragua
  • AFRICA: South Africa, Morocco, Nigeria, Botswana, Somalia, Ethiopia
  • ASIA: China/PRC (incl. Hong Kong), Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Korea, Thailand, Philippines,
    Indonesia, India, Myanmar, Vietnam, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal
  • OCEANIA: Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Fiji, Western Samoa
  • MISCELLANEOUS: Seychelles, Mauritius, Maldives

In the Federal Court of Australia (FCA) & Federal Circuit Court of Australia

Experience in successfully providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong representation in various visa cases including/involving:

  • Partner/Spouse/Defacto (including same-sex couples) visas
  • Student visas – clients from PRC (China including Hong Kong)
  • Refugee/Protection visas – clients from Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon (involving “honour killing”)
  • Skilled visas – clients from Fiji

Some examples:

Category of case: Partner/Spouse/Defacto visa refusal – client from UK
Graham v Minister for Immigration & Multicultural & Indigenous Affairs [2003] FCA 1287 (22 October 2003)
Facts: In this complex Australian immigration case in the Federal Court of Australia, AICLA’s partner (Chris) (as the client’s instructing solicitor at Chris’s law firm, CGN Legal) successfully represented an English/UK client (Ms. Graham) in a partner/spouse visa application refusal. (Click above URL link for full facts published by the Court)
Result: Client’s Partner visa was restored and she was allowed to remain in Australia as a permanent resident.

Category of case: Student visa refusal/cancellation – client from China (PRC)
Chen v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs [2005] FCA 229 (11 March 2005)
Facts: In this very complex and time-consuming case in the Federal Court of Australia, AICLA’s partner (Chris) (as the client’s instructing solicitor with Chris’s law firm, CGN Legal) successfully represented an onshore PRC client (Mr. Chen) whose Australian student visa had been cancelled and was threatened with detention and removal/deportation. (Click above URL link for full facts published by the Court)
Result: Client’s student visa was restored and client was allowed to remain in Australia to complete his studies.

Category of case: Refugee (Protection) visas – client from Kosovo

In the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) of Australia & “501” Cases

Experience in successfully providing full advice, document preparation and/or strong representation in various visa cases including/involving:

  • “CHARACTER” issues (Section 501 cases)

Some examples:

Category of case: Partner/Spouse/Defacto visa refusal – clients from Lebanon/Palestine/Australia
“WAS” and Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [2002] AATA 326 (9 May 2002)
Facts: Client (offshore) from Palestine (visa applicant) / Greek-Australia (sponsor).
In this extremely complex, time-consuming and multi-issue Australian immigration case at the AAT, one of AICLA’s partners, Chris Narayanan (acting as the client’s counsel/lawyer from Chris’s law firm, CGN Legal) successfully represented clients at the AAT in a spouse visa refusal case involving “CHARACTER” and other intervening issues. (Click above URL link for full facts published by AAT)
Result: The AAT held that “the preferred decision” was for the visa applicant to be granted a spouse visa
and accordingly the Department of Immigration granted a Partner/Spouse offshore permanent visa. Our client was then able to travel to Australia to reside permanently in Australia with his Greek-Australian wife.

In the (former) Migration Review Tribunal (MRT) of Australia (now the AAT – MR Division)

Experience in successfully providing full advice, document preparation and/or strong representation in various visa cases including/involving:

  • Partner/spouse/defacto visas (including same sex couples) – cancellations/refusals – clients from USA, China, South Africa, Russia, UK, Ukraine, Vietnam, Indonesia, Western Samoa, etc
  • SERIOUS HEALTH/DISEASE issues – clients from UK/Scotland
  • “CHARACTER” issues (considered under Public Interest Criteria (PIC) 4001 – NOT Section 501)
  • All other types of visa cancellations/refusals, detentions and removals/deportations – clients from Pakistan, Bangladesh,
  • Student visas – “Attendance”/“work no more than 20 hours” issues – cancellations/refusals – clients from India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, China (PRC including Hong Kong)
  • Skilled, GSM (Employment-skills) visas – cancellations/refusals – clients from various countries
  • Business-skills visas – cancellations/refusals – clients from the Netherlands, Germany
  • 457 visas – nomination, sponsorship and visa applications – clients from various countries

Some examples:

Category of case: Partner/Spouse/Defacto visa refusal – clients from China (PRC)/Australia
Zhang, Mei Zhu [2001] MRTA 4856 (23 October 2001)
Facts: The partner/spouse visa application prepared and lodged by Ms Zhang was refused, and she turned to AICLA for help. At the MRT, AICLA’s partner (Chris) (as client’s immigration lawyer), successfully represented our Chinese clients (Ms. Zhang and her husband, both from PRC China) in addressing the issue of a “genuine and continuing” married relationship. (Click above URL link for full facts)
Result: Client granted Spouse permanent visa offshore and allowed to join his spouse (Zhang) in Australia.

Category of case: Partner/Spouse/Defacto visa refusal – clients from Western Samoa/Australia
Euta, Tinoga [2002] MRTA 4439 (30 July 2002)
Facts: The partner/spouse visa application prepared and lodged by Mr. Euta’s Australian Samoan wife was refused on “character” grounds in that the client failed to satisfy the “PIC 4001” condition. A further complication was that the husband, Euta, had at the time overstayed 10 years in Australia – and therefore considered a “serious” unlawful case by Immigration officers. The couple turned to AICLA Global for legal help. At the MRT, AICLA’s partner (Chris) (as client’s immigration lawyer), successfully represented our Western Samoan client. (Click the above URL link for full facts)
Result: Client granted Spouse permanent visa and allowed to remain with his family in Australia.

Category of case: Business Nomination refusal – clients from India/Australia
The case of “Mardania Holding” – Mardania Holding Pty Ltd [2014] MRTA 1312490 (17 April 2014) (not published)
Facts: Australian business initially refused nomination application to sponsor Indian Hairdresser. The original application had been prepared without professional help by the manager of the hairdressing business who did not have sufficient knowledge of the relevant migration laws and policies. The company turned to AICLA Global for legal help. AICLA’s Senior Migration Consultant (TRENDAFIL HASARLIEV) prepared and managed a new application that was successful.
Result: The business was now in a position to successfully nominate the employee for a Permanent residence visa.

Category of case: Partner/Spouse/Defacto visa refusal – clients from Pakistan/Australia
The case of “Satinder”- [2013] MRTA 1211363 (5 April 2013) (not published)
Facts: Satinder prepared and lodged, without professional help, an application for Partner/Spouse visa. However Immigration officers had received “secret” information that the couple were no longer living together – therefore no legal grounds to grant the visa. Immigration proceeded to refuse the visa application. Satinder then approached AICLA Global for help. At the MRT, AICLA’s Senior Migration Consultant (TRENDAFIL HASARLIEV) successfully constructed a case (with appropriate supporting papers) proving that the information received by Immigration had been erroneous.
Result: The case was remitted to Immigration (DIBP) for re-consideration. With Trendafil’s help, Satinder was subsequently successful and granted the Partner/Spouse/Defacto visa.

Category of case: Condition 4020 – client from Nigeria
The case of “Nicolaus” [2014] MRTA 1313266 (2 October 2014) (not published)
Facts: In his visa application prepared by himself with no professional help, Nicolaus had not previously provided the correct information to Immigration (DIBP) about a child he had by another woman. The visa application was refused on grounds Condition 4020 was not satisfied and Nicholas approached AICLA Global for help. At the MRT, AICLA’s Senior Migration Consultant (TRENDAFIL HASARLIEV) was able to construct a case (with appropriate documentary evidence) proving that there had been an innocent and untended error principally caused by overseas authorities.
Result: MRT held there had been no breach of Condition 4020 and the case was then remitted to Immigration (DIBP) and resulted in the grant of Permanent Residence visa for Nicolaus.

Category of case: Notice of Intention to Consider Cancellation of Visa – MRT APPEAL
Facts: The case of “Gabbula” – [2011] MRTA 1010059 (31 May 2011) (not published)
Gabbula approached AICLA Global after having received notification of Immigration intending to cancel his visa due to insufficient/contradictory information provided by him in his own application.
AICLA Global’s senior Senior Migration Consultant (TRENDAFIL HASARLIEV) prepared appropriate submission addressing the highlighted shortcomings at the MRT.
Result: Careful and skilful management of the MRT application (including communication with Immigration officers) resulted in Gabbula’s visa not being cancelled.

Category of case: Notice of Intention to Consider Cancellation of Visa – MRT APPEAL
Facts: The case of “Chandrice” – [2014] MRTA 1300976 (9 May 2014) ) (not published)
Chandrice approached AICLA Global after having received notification of Immigration intending to cancel his visa due to insufficient/contradictory information provided by her in her own application.
AICLA Global’s Senior Migration Consultant (TRENDAFIL HASARLIEV) prepared appropriate submission addressing the highlighted shortcomings at the MRT.
Result: Careful and skilful management of the MRT application (including communication with Immigration officers) resulted in the visa not being cancelled.

Ministerial Intervention Cases

Experience in successfully providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in various visa cases including/involving:

  • Serious HEALTH/DISEASE issues – clients from UK, Scotland, Thailand
  • Multiple “adverse” issues – clients from UK, Ireland
  • “CHARACTER” issues (PIC 4001 and Section 501 cases) – clients from New Zealand, UK,

Some examples:

Category of case: Parents visa refusal – clients from UK/Scotland/Australia
Facts: AICLA Global’s Senior Migration Consultant (TRENDAFIL HASARLIEV) successfully represented our UK/Scottish/Australian clients in a Parents visa application case involving serious health issues (LUNG Disease and other medical complications) with one of the parents. This in turn threatened the refusal of visas for both parents.
Result: UK client was granted an ‘equivalent visa’ that effectively allowed her to join her husband and adult Australian children in Australia as well as reside permanently with her UK husband who otherwise would have had to leave Australia with his wife.

Category of case: Partner/Spouse/Defacto visa refusal – clients from Thailand/Australia
Facts: AICLA Global’s Senior Immigration Consultant (TRENDAFIL HASARLIEV) successfully represented our Thai client
in a spouse/defacto visa application case involving serious health issues (AIDS Disease)
Result: Client was granted Spouse permanent visa offshore and allowed to travel with her dependent and reside in Australia with her Australian husband.

Category of case: Skilled visa (onshore) refusal – clients from UK/Ireland
Facts: AICLA Global’s Senior Immigration Consultant (TRENDAFIL HASARLIEV) successfully represented our Irish/UK clients in a visa refusal case involving multiple adverse issues including employer sexual assault/unfair dismissal
Result: Client was granted permission to apply for another suitable visa including residence

Notices of Intention (by Immigration/DIBP) to Consider Cancellation/Refusal of Visas

Experience in successfully providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in various cases which resulted in REVERSAL of the Intentions by Immigration officers (DIBP). Clients thus avoided detention and removal/deportation from Australia and were allowed to continue to stay in Australia. Various visa cases including/involving:

  • OVERSTAYING (unlawfully) in Australia – clients from UK, Indonesia,
    8503 condition (“NO FURTHER STAY”) – clients from Philippines,
  • “CHARACTER” issues (under PIC 4001 and Section 501) – clients from NZ (New Zealand), UK (United Kingdom)
  • MEDICAL/HEALTH issues – client from UK
  • Providing ADVERSE INFORMATION/STATEMENTS – that (to Immigration officers/DIBP) are Insufficient/Inconsistent/Conflicting/Contradicting
  • STUDENT visas – insufficient ATTENDANCE; working more than 20 hours

Some examples:

Category of case: Partner/Spouse/Defacto visa (intention to refuse) – clients from UK/Australia
Facts: Our client “Steve” was an unlawful non-citizen whilst at the same time working and “dramatically living under the immigration radar for 15 years”. He had been OVERSTAYING 15 YEARS in Australia after arriving in Australia using a false passport on a tourist visa (ETA) which has long expired. During his time in Australia, he formed a long-term relationship with an Australian woman (later to be his defacto wife). He and his wife decided it was time for Steve “to come out”. They turned to AICLA Global for help. AICLA’s partner, Chris (as the couple’s Immigration Lawyer), successfully represented the couple in comprehensive and strong dealings with the Immigration Dept.
Result: Through detailed documentary/evidentiary preparation, strong legal submissions and step-by-step micro-management of the case, the Notice was REVERSED and Steve avoided detention and removal/deportation back to the UK. Instead, upon our further intervention and legal submission, he was initially granted a BVC which allowed him to continue to work in Australia (instead of the less useful but usual BVE). He was then granted a spouse (onshore) visa which allowed him to continue to work and live permanently with his wife in Australia. He is now an Australian citizen.

Category of case: subclass 444 visa (intention to cancel) – client from New Zealand
Facts: Client was a NZ citizen living in Australia on a subclass 444 visa. He was stopped by police on a suspected traffic offence and breath tested. Client gave a false name to the police and was later criminally charged with “obstructing the course of justice” – a serious criminal offence. Immigration Dept. gave Notice of Intention to Consider Cancellation of his 444 visa and removal or deportation back to NZ on “not of good CHARACTER” grounds. Client approached AICLA Global for help. AICLA’s partner (Chris) (as client’s lawyer) successfully represented client. The handling of the case involved processing and generating a substantial amount of evidentiary and supporting documents, third party interviews and comprehensive, lengthy legal submission,
Result: Immigration’s Notice was REVERSED (so visa not cancelled) resulting in client being allowed to remain in Australia indefinitely and continue working under his 444 visa.

Category of case: Student visas (intention to cancel/refuse) – clients from Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Hong Kong
Numerous cases involving Student visas – Notices were REVERSED (so visas not cancelled), thus avoiding detention and removal/deportation, clients permitted to complete their studies in Australia.

Category of case: Partner/Spouse/Defacto visa – ”No Further Stay” – clients from the Philippines/Australia
Facts: The client, Lucy, arrived in Australia from the Philippines on a tourist visa with her Australian husband. Attached to Lucy’s visa was Condition 8503 (“No Further Stay”). Lucy without professional help filed a Partner/Spouse visa application. She received a Notice of Intention to Refuse from Immigration Dept (DIBP). The couple turned to AICLA Global for help. AICLA’s partner (Chris) (as the couple’s Immigration Lawyer), successfully represented the couple. A lengthy time-consuming case involving complex telephone/written communications with the NBI and the Criminal Court (in the Philippines), the couple’s Philippines-based attorney (in respect of a further complication – a criminal allegation against our clients) and Australian Embassy officers in the Philippines. Affidavits, Statutory Declarations and a lengthy legal submission including numerous annexures were prepared and filed.
Result: After a long process of “deliberation” by DIBP, the “8503 CONDITION” was waived by DIBP resulting in Lucy being allowed to remain in Australia with her husband whilst AICLA then carefully prepared and filed Lucy’s “onshore” permanent visa application bearing in mind all previous lodgements and submissions. Lucy is today an Australian citizen. (See client’s testimonial disclosed on this website)

Category of case: Parent visa – Condition 8503 (No Further Stay) – client from Israel
Facts: The client entered Australia on a visitor visa with a “No Further Stay, 8503” condition on his visa. The client was elderly, had 4 children (2 living in Australia) and wanted to submit a parent application. The client turned to AICLA Global for help and one of our Senior AICLA Immigration Professionals, JARRED STEIN, handled the case. Jarred successfully presented a fully documented case including legal submissions to immigration showing compelling and compassionate circumstances as to why our client should have his 8503 condition waived.
Result: The 8503 condition was waived so the client was allowed to file the parent visa application, and was subsequently granted the visa.

Lodgements (at 1st instance) with Immigration (DIBP) – ALL Visa Applications

Successful results and experience in providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in lodgements of applications for ALL AUSTRALIAN VISA CATEGORIES including/involving the following:

Business Skills Visas

Successful results and experience in providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in lodgements of ALL classes and subclasses of Australian BUSINESS SKILLS visa applications for business/corporate clients (including Investment-linked and Business-owner visas) from numerous countries and industries including/involving:

  • Bank Owner (Investment-linked) – visa granted; client (offshore) from Indonesia
  • Mining & Gas Business Owner – visa granted; client (offshore) from Canada
  • Cattle Export/Import Business Owner – visa granted; client (onshore) from Jordan
  • Hotel and Realty Business Owner – visa granted; client (offshore) from Maldives
  • Nightclub Owner (Metropolis, Slic Chix) – visas granted; client from Singapore
  • Shopping Mall Owner (Victoria Park Central) – visa granted; client from Singapore
  • Shopping Markets Owner (Wanneroo Markets, Subiaco Markets) – visa granted; client from Singapore
  • Restaurant Owner – visa granted; client (offshore) from Malaysia
  • Shipbuilding – visa granted; client (onshore) form Malaysia

Some examples:

Category of case: Investment-linked Business visa – client (Indonesian bank Vice-President/partner)
Facts: In the late 90s, the financial crisis had hit this Asian bank resulting in a write-down of substantial asset value. L approached AICLA Global seeking the possibility of applying for a business owner permanent visa for himself and his family. The bank had to undergo a monumental “financial re-structure” which spawned as well as revealed a huge amount of highly sensitive and confidential financial documents involving L and some influential and political figures (third parties) connected with the bank, as well as outsourced offshore financiers. The demands and interrogatories from officers of the Immigration Department were growing increasingly challenging. AICLA Global’s partner (Chris) (as L’s legal adviser) with full advice, detailed preparation and strong submissions successfully represented L. This involved micromanagement and analysis of all relevant correspondence and documents received from or sent to all concerned parties involved in the re-structure.
Result: After more than a year of highly technical discussions (about L’s and the bank’s financial affairs) with Immigration Dept, L and his wife and 2 children were granted offshore investment-linked permanent business visas and their children are now Australian citizens.

Category of case: Business visa – client (Singapore tycoon, hotel/nightclub/realty owner/operator)
Facts: The client, A, through his Australian companies were involved in the purchase of the Metropolis nightclubs in Perth and Fremantle, Western Australia, a multi million dollar business and realty. The client had terminated the services of one of the big four legal firms and AICLA Global’s partner (Chris) was instructed. The retainer involved a multitude of social and legal tasks and challenges (commercial, corporate and immigration) and included drafting/checking of documents and other legal work (including heads of agreement, licensing agreements, management agreements, Native Title claims, etc) as well as concurrent dealings and negotiations with lawyers representing the vendors and involved banks.
Result: Over a period of about 6 months, the sale proceeded successfully whilst business visas were granted to A’s son (and his wife) who had been appointed by his father to manage the family’s business interests in Australia.

Partner/Spouse/Defacto/Prospective Marriage (Fiancé or Fiancée) & Other Family-based Visas Including ‘Domestic Violence’ Cases

Successful results and experience in providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in lodgements of ALL classes and subclasses of Australian Family-based visa applications from clients in numerous countries including UK, Ireland, Italy, Russia, Ukraine, USA, South Africa, Italy, China/PRC (including Hong Kong), Egypt, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Morocco, Lebanon, Middle East and including the following types of visa applications:

  • Partner/Spouse/Defacto/Prospective Marriage (including same sex couples)
  • Child
  • Dependent Child
  • Orphan Relative
  • Remaining Relative
  • Carer
  • Close Ties
  • Parent, Aged Parent, Contributory Parent
  • Aged-Dependent Relative
  • Adoption
  • NZ Citizen Family Relationship
  • Domestic Violence Cases

Skilled & GSM (Employment Skills) Visas

Successful results and experience in providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in lodgements of ALL classes and subclasses of Australian Skilled and GSM visa applications for clients involving numerous occupations, countries and industries including:

  • Accounting and Finance – clients from Singapore
  • Banking – clients from India
  • Nursing – clients from Philippines, UK,
  • Medicine (including Dentistry) – clients from UK
  • Computing and Information Technology (IT)
  • Engineering – clients from Japan
  • Mining and Gas
  • Hospitality – chef, cook, hotel manager – clients from Pakistan, India, Germany
  • Construction
  • Academia
  • Trades – diesel fitter, electrician, hair dresser, plumber, auto mechanic – clients from various countries

A typical example:

Category of case: Skilled visa – Accountant
Facts: The client, without professional help, lodged skilled migration applicant for client as an accountant. His position of employment covered areas including accounting, finance and strategy. The client’s current and previous employers were large corporations and therefore had strict policies around only providing a statement of employment and not including the employee’s daily tasks and duties. The case officer sent a request to the client for further information stating that he did not believe the client’s main duties were that of an accountant. The client turned to AICLA Global for help and one of our Senior AICLA Immigration Professionals, JARRED STEIN, handled the case. Jarred worked with the client to put together a comprehensive reply for the case officer including:
Detailed factual and legal submission arguing many relevant points
Copies of reports and presentations the client had prepared at AICLA’s request
Statements from managers and colleagues attesting to many relevant issues
Result: The client was granted a skilled migration visa as an accountant.

Resident Return Visas (RRVs) 155, 157 & Former Resident Visas 151

Successful results and experience in providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in lodgements of ALL classes and subclasses of Australian RRV visa applications involving clients from numerous countries including USA, Germany, South Africa, UK

Work Visas (including subclass 457)

Successful results and experience in providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in lodgements of ALL Australian work visa applications (including subclass 457 visas) involving clients (that is, employees/visa applicants and employers) across various occupations, countries and industries including:

  • Motor vehicle design/building company – employee from Japan, Australian business sponsor
  • IT/Computing – employee from USA, Australian business sponsor
  • Shipbuilding company – employee from Malaysia, Australian business sponsor
  • Construction company – employee from UK/Scotland, Australian business sponsor
  • Indian Restaurant (the Cove, Ardross, WA) – employees from Pakistan and India, Australian business sponsor
  • Indian Restaurant (Jewel in the Park, Vic Pk, WA) – employees from Malaysia, Australian business sponsor
  • Chinese Restaurant – employee from Malaysia, Australian business sponsor
  • Restaurant sole-trader – employee from Malaysia, Australian sole-trader sponsor
  • Life stock (cattle and sheep) export company – employees from Jordan, Middle East business sponsor
  • Service industry – employee from UK, Overseas business sponsor

RSMS (Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme) Visa &
ENS (Employer Nomination Scheme) Visa

Successful results and experience in providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in lodgements of Australian RSMS and ENS visa applications involving clients from numerous countries.

Some examples:

Category of case: RSMS visa (a complex case)
Facts: A nurse, J (from the Philippines), with UK nursing qualifications, without professional help, prepared and lodged an offshore skilled visa application. When she faced adverse questions from Immigration Dept., J turned to AICLA Global for help. After a long international phone interview, AICLA’s partner (Chris) (as the client’s Immigration Lawyer) accepted the case. With the client’s consent, the original skilled visa application was completely “re-designed and converted” to an offshore RSMS permanent visa application. This necessitated the close collaboration of multiple third parties (including the client’s Australian hospital employer in Katanning (WA) and officers of the concerned RCB (Regional Certifying Body) which although considering it, had not yet at the time registered as an RCB. Chris assisted the RCB in its registration process. All parties therefore had to be and were brought “onto the same page” so that “time of application criteria” could be fully satisfied. This was successfully done with AICLA’s coordination of all concerned parties.
Result: J was granted an offshore RSMS permanent residence visa.

Category of case: ENS visa
Facts: Client was a 457 visa holder and his employer wanted to sponsor him for permanent residency. During the initial consultation between one of our Senior AICLA Immigration Professionals, JARRED STEIN, the client and the employer, it was noted that we had to deal with 2 significant complications:
1. The visa applicant recently suffered a severe heart attack and was taking a large amount of medication
2. The employer held sponsorship with immigration but had neglected to lodge a nomination application allowing the client to transfer his 457 visa over to them.
We lodged a new nomination application rectifying the client’s 457 position and cleared up any misunderstandings with immigration. Next, we successfully submitted a health waiver from the employer regarding the client’s medical condition as well as successfully providing immigration with a detailed and comprehensive legal submission with supporting information explaining that our client is an expert in water desalination etc etc. Also proved to immigration and the MOC that the cost of his medication was below the legal threshold etc..
Result: The client was granted his ENS permanent visa.

Miscellaneous Visas (ALL OTHER TYPES)

Successful results and experience in providing full advice, full document preparation and/or strong legal submissions in lodgements of ALL other classes and subclasses of Australian visa/immigration cases for clients from numerous countries including:

  • Religious worker visa (subclass 428) – Filipino client; visa granted
  • “Work permit” cases (change of visa condition applications) – numerous applications granted
  • All Bridging Visas including A, B, C, D, E – numerous applications granted
  • Student Visas (of all types) – numerous applications granted
  • Retirement Visas – several applications granted; client form USA, UK
  • All Other Temporary Visas (including Tourist/Visitor/Guardian visas) – numerous applications granted
  • All Other Permanent Visas – numerous applications granted

Australian Citizenship Applications

Successful results from full advice, full document preparation and strong legal submissions in Australian citizenship applications for clients from various countries.